Saturday, March 24, 2007

I wish....

Getting used to Canada is a hassle.
No Tuk Tuk drivers to bargain with, no friendly local Thai to return my smile, and no attractive backpacker or local ladies around.

Everyone I meet seems to be fascinated by the fact that I actually took time from my comfortable Canadian life to travel in a different country. Is it so difficult to imagine yourself traveling? Sure you might have to get used to the language barrier, smells, scams, and the occasional mafia but if I can do it anybody else can do it.

I am not a different person in any aspect. I am just a regular guy that used to have a regular job with regular western desires (money, girls, power, girls, etc...). Please don't give me credit for spending my money on a trip that I wanted to go on.

After describing some of the places that I have been to on my journey and telling them stories of my experiences there the usual reply that I receive is "Wow, I wish I could do that". The truth is everybody I know can do what I did and probably more. It does not take a prodigy to travel in foreign lands. I've met ladies (who are BTW very admirable and brave not to mention hot) who risked rape, murder, robbery, and many other none pleasant things of travel to experience India - known to be one of the toughest places to backpack.

Please quit telling me that you wish. As I have quoted in my past entry "You are never given a wish without the power to fulfill it".

As for my stories, perhaps I should charge $$ as I am currently out of a job...

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